Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division of ACTE. Their goals are to promote health care careers and improve the delivery of health care to everyone.
HOSA began in 1967 and has since then grown to nearly 120,000 members. Thanks to companies like DEPCO, LLC and other HOSA partners, HOSA will provide 53 members with scholarships totaling over $58,500 this year. HOSA's numerous qualified applicants prove that it makes a substantial impact on the lives of many young people and their career choices into the health care industry. DEPCO, LLC and Applied Technologies also assist the HOSA organization by providing education curriculum and hands-on equipment for student training. The educational products are correlated to the National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE). More information on the products can be found at
This year, over 6,500 delegates, advisors, and guests will attend HOSA's 34th Annual National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California.
A full list of the scholarship recipients can be found at